Friday, 24 May 2013

Early Forget-me-not (Myosotis ramosissima)

Via Flickr:
I am sure that this is Early Forget-me-not (Myosotis ramosissima). I think Forget-me-nots can be tricky to identify unless you look at the right part of the plant, which I did not do, but I can go back and check. I thought the hairiness of this plant was quite distinctive anyway. I found this on 13 May 2013 in Six Hills Common, Stevenage, while undertaking my butterfly surveys for the council. I still haven't seen any butterflies on this site, but I'm putting that down to the current lack of larger flowers on the site—they will appear soon enough.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Field Pansy (Viola arvensis)

Via Flickr:
I think the Field Pansy (Viola arvensis) is one of the prettiest flowers I've seen. I first saw one in 2011, and was amazed at how small it was and how delicate it looked. But I knew straight away what it was, because I'd seen pictures in my books. I saw this one on 6 May 2013.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Peacock (Inachis io)

Via Flickr:
These two Peacocks (Inachis io) were seen by me in District Park, Great Ashby, Hertfordshire, on 2 May 2013. One was chasing the other quite a lot and for a lot of the time they were just settled together like this. One seems well past its best and I actually wondered if it was making an attempt to mate before it dies, but it turns out they are probably both males and were being territorial.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Muntjac Deer (Muntiacus reevesi)

Via Flickr:
I spotted this Muntjac Deer (Muntiacus reevesi) on 3 May 2013. It was a big surprise because it was on a bridleway in a mostly built-up area, with houses on one side and industrial units on the other, just a bunch of trees and wild flowers on either side of the bridleway. I turned a corner onto the bridleway and it was standing there. It looked at me and stayed still, while I did the same and slowly got my camera. I was able to get this shot and one other before it casually walked into the trees and out of view.

New blog

I used to use this blog for various updates, but hadn't updated it in a long time, and it was not really relevant anymore. So I have deleted the old posts, renamed the blog and will use it as some kind of wildlife blog. Hopefully I will update it more regularly!